Course curriculum

    1. Course Objectives

    1. Create and Manage Worksheets and Workbooks

    2. Create a Workbook

    3. Add a Worksheet to An Existing Workbook

    4. Search for Data

    5. Navigate to a Named Cell

    6. Insert and Remove Hyperlinks

    7. Hide or Unhide Columns and Rows

    8. Hide or Unhide Sheets

    9. Modify Worksheets

    10. Adjust Row Height and Column Width

    11. Insert Headers and Footers

    12. Change Worksheet Tab Color

    13. Rename Worksheet

    14. Copy and Move Worksheets

    15. Modify Page Setup

    16. Change Workbook Themes

    17. Add a Tool to the Quick Access Toolbar

    18. Zoom

    19. Change Workbook Views

    20. Change Window Views

    21. Modify Document Properties

    22. Show or Hide Formulas

    23. Printing

    24. Set a Print Area

    25. Save in Another File Format

    26. Repeat Columns or Rows Across Multiple Pages

    27. Inspect a Workbook for Hidden Properties and Personal Information

    28. Inspect a Workbook for Accessibility Issues

    29. Inspect a Workbook for Compatibility Issues

    30. Module Two: Review Questions

    1. Manage Data Cells and Ranges

    2. Replace Data

    3. Cut, Copy and Paste Data

    4. Paste Data Using Paste Options

    5. Fill Cells using Autofill

    6. Insert and Delete Cells

    7. Merge Cells

    8. Align and Indent Cell Contents

    9. Wrap Text Within Cells

    10. Apply Number Formats

    11. Apply Cell Styles

    12. Apply Cell Formats

    13. Apply Conditional Formatting

    14. Format Cells using the Format Painter

    15. Insert Sparklines

    16. Grouping Data

    17. Adding Subtotals

    18. Outline Data

    19. Viewing Grouped and Outlined Data

    20. Module Three: Review Questions

    1. Create Tables

    2. Create an Excel Table from a Cell Range

    3. Add or Remove Table Rows and Columns

    4. Convert a Table to a Cell Range

    5. Apply Styles to Tables

    6. Configure Table Style Options

    7. Insert Total Rows

    8. Filter Records

    9. Clear Filters

    10. Use a Number Filter or Text Filter

    11. Change Sort Order

    12. Sort Data by Multiple Columns

    13. Remove Duplicate Records

    14. Module Four: Review Questions

    1. Formulas and Functions

    2. Understand Math Basics of Excel

    3. Build a Formula

    4. Edit a Formula

    5. Copy a Formula

    6. Understand Relative vs. Absolute References

    7. Understand Formulas vs. Functions

    8. Calculate Using Status Bar

    9. Perform Basic Functions

    10. AutoComplete a Function

    11. Create Functions using Formulas Tab

    12. Perform the IF Function

    13. Perform the SUMIF Function

    14. Perform the COUNTIF Function

    15. Format Text Using UPPER, LOWER, and PROPER Functions

    16. Format Text Using the CONCAT Function

    17. Format Text Using LEFT, RIGHT and MID Functions

    18. Module Five: Review Questions

    1. Use Quick Analysis, Charts and Objects

    2. Format with Quick Analysis

    3. Create Charts with Quick Analysis

    4. Calculate Totals with Quick Analysis

    5. Use Recommended Charts

    6. Create a New Chart

    7. Add Additional Data Series

    8. Switch Between Rows and Columns in Source Data

    9. Resize Charts

    10. Add and Modify Chart Elements

    11. Apply Chart Styles and Layouts

    12. Move Charts to a Chart Sheet

    13. Add Data to Chart on a Chart Sheet

    14. Insert Shapes

    15. Insert Text Boxes

    16. Format Shapes and Text Boxes

    17. Insert Pictures

    18. Add Alternative Text

    19. Module Six: Review Questions

About this course

  • $39.00
  • 102 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content