Course Overview

    1. Facilitated Discussion in the Workplace

    2. Introduction to Dispute Resolution in the Workplace.

    3. Course Connection to NMAS Mediator Training

    4. Dispute Resolution Roles

    5. Getting started

    1. The Facilitator

    2. Workplace Dispute Resolution in Context

    3. Styles of Mediation

    4. Developing Skills as a dispute resolution facilitator

    5. What does a facilitator or mediator do?

    1. Overview of module one

    2. When a Complaint is made

    3. Your Role

    4. Achieve work outcomes

    5. Policies, Procedures and Protocols

    6. Content of the Complaint

    7. Context of the Complaint

    8. Communication Skills

    9. Giving and Receiving Feedback

    10. Building a culture of accountability

    11. Following up on Complaints

    12. Module One Review

    1. Overview of Module Two

    2. The history of Facilitated Dispute Resolution

    3. What does a Facilitator or Mediator do?

    4. Facilitated Discussion vs Mediation

    5. The Facilitated Discussion Process

    6. The Mediation Process

    7. Context for Workplace Mediation

    8. Self-Determination vs Judgement

    9. Mediation is a Voluntary Process

    10. Bargaining Styles and Collaborative Negotiation

    11. Find out what they want!

    12. Positions vs Interests

    13. Compromise vs Collaboration

    14. Types of bargaining used in negotiation

    15. Distributive Bargaining

    16. Potentially Negative consequences of Distributive Bargaining

    17. Interest Based Bargaining

    18. The three step interest-based bargaining process

    19. Collaborative Negotiation (Integrative Bargaining)


    21. Bargaining and Negotiation

    22. Recap on bargaining styles

    23. The 5 Negotiation Styles

    24. What's your preferred style of negotiation?

    25. Facilitating Negotiation

    26. The advantages of Mediation

    27. Module Two Review

    1. Introduction to The Nature of Conflict

    2. The purpose of dispute resolution

    3. The conflict escalation volcano

    4. The Conflict Core

    5. The Conflict Spiral

    6. Conflict Responses in detail

    7. The conflict resolution triangle

    8. Strategies to address conflict causes

    9. Levels of Relating

    1. What is NMAS Accreditation, and do you need it?

    2. Mediation Accreditation

    3. Maintaining Accreditation

    4. Qualities of a Mediator

    5. Ethics and Code of Conduct

    6. Work ethically

    7. Professional and Ethical Standards

    8. Diversity

    9. Ethical Issues

    10. Duty of Care

    11. Conflict of Interest

    12. Protecting the Rights of Clients

    13. Confidentiality

    14. Accredited Mediator Standards

    15. Understand and support clients rights and interests.

    16. Mental Health Rights and Responsibilities

    17. Duty of Care Discussion

    18. Legal and Ethical Quiz

About this course

  • $550.00
  • 138 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content