Course curriculum

    1. Getting Started

    2. Course Objectives

    3. Pre-Assignment Review

    1. Introduction to Understanding Facilitation

    2. What is Facilitation?

    3. What is a Facilitator?

    4. When is Facilitation Appropriate?

    5. Module Two: Case Study

    6. Module Two: Review Questions

    1. Introduction to Process vs. Content

    2. About Process

    3. About Content

    4. A Facilitator’s Focus

    5. Module Three: Case Study

    6. Module Three: Review Questions

    1. Introduction to Laying the Groundwork

    2. Choosing a Facilitated Approach

    3. Planning for a Facilitated Meeting

    4. Collecting Data

    5. Module Four: Case Study

    6. Module Four: Review Questions

    1. Introduction to Tuckman and Jensen’s Model of Team Development

    2. Stage One: Forming

    3. Stage Two: Storming

    4. Stage Three: Norming

    5. Stage Four: Performing

    6. Module Five: Case Study

    7. Module Five: Review Questions

    1. Introduction to Building Consensus

    2. Encouraging Participation

    3. Gathering Information

    4. Presenting Information

    5. Synthesizing and Summarizing

    6. Module Six: Case Study

    7. Module Six: Review Questions

About this course

  • $48.50
  • 67 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content